Hair Care Guide
There’s an easy and foolproof remedy for common hair extension issues like dryness, or tangling and matting (which is least unlikely, but we’ll throw it in there). All of our extensions are prewashed and conditioned, but we would still like you to condition it again before installation.We highly encourage all of our customers to follow these pre-installation requirements before installation of their hair, and after installation on a weekly basis to ensure the highest quality outcome from your new hair.
Brush out all knots. Brush from the bottom up.
- Wet the hair with luke warm water
SHAMPOO THE HAIR with a quarter sized amount of sulfate free shampoo.
(If you co-wash, please skip this step) - RINSE THE SHAMPOO/CONDITIONER with warm water. Warm water helps open the cuticle and prepares the hair for the next step.
- APPLY A GENEROUS AMOUNT OF CONDITIONER run your fingers through the hair from the top down. Scrunch the ends with conditioner. This will remedy split ends with ease. (Comb the conditioner through with a wide tooth comb or paddle brush.) We recommend conditioning for 24 hours or more if possible. This is to re-dehydrate and add more moisture back to the hair. This will bring out the true texture of the hair.
- RINSE THE CONDITIONER OUT with lukewarm water.
- PAT DRY WITH A TOWEL Do not rub the hair to dry it, gently pat.
- We recommend a Denman brush or similar for definition (works for both wet and dry).
Lastly, to maintain the longevity of the extensions we recommend that you try not to cut the weft as much as possible, this will prevent shedding. Also consult a professional colorist to color your new extensions.
Remember with our hair Condition! Condition! Condition! and less is normally best
Some of the Products that we Recommend
Light Oil
Organix Conditioners
Heat Protectant